Delivery & Shipping

My tracking number doesn't work, what should I do?

Posted 10 Mar 2023
If your tracking number doesn't work, it could be due to several reasons. Here are some steps you can take to resolve the issue:
  • Check for typos: Make sure that you have entered the tracking number correctly. Check for any typos or errors in the number.
  • Wait a little longer: Sometimes, tracking information can take a few hours or even a day to update after your order has shipped. In addition, order status will only be updated upon arrival at the warehouse/transshipment location. If your tracking number doesn't work as soon as you receive the email confirmation, please wait 24 - 48 hours for it to update and check again.
If you are still having trouble after 48 hours, contact our Customer Service, Live chat or via so that we can assist you right away.
In some cases, there may be delays or issues with the shipment that are outside of our control. If you are concerned about the status of your order or have any other questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact our customer service team for assistance.
By Timind Website

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